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Our range of Medical Devices has been created with the awareness, need and importance of the process of preserving blood, plasma and their derivatives.

The Emobank series (blood bank refrigerators) solves the problem of volatile product stability. The Hemosafe®2.0, a smart blood bank, not only preserves but also ensures maximum traceability, availability and eliminates human error in the blood supply chain.

Fast blast chillers, such as the Plasmafrost ITEM with a patented operating principle designed for the whole blood plasma preservation process. Plasma freezing is subject to Recommendation No. R (95) 15, which requires -30°C at the center of the bag to be reached in less than 60 minutes.

The Plasmabank series consists of -30°C freezers designed for the storage of plasma, blood products and plasma derivatives.

The Nexus MD series ultra freezers have been designed to store platelet concentrate at -80°C.

In compliance with Legislative Decree no. 219 of 2006 on the advertising of medical devices, all information contained on this site relating to medical devices is exclusively addressed to medical professionals and is not of advertising nature.


Discover in detail the range of ALS biomedical equipment used in the Healthcare sector.

We are fully aware of the whole chain of 'blood' and its derivatives, the difficulty in ensuring their biological stability, and we are fully aware of the invaluable importance of these products and the complications in terms of availability.

For whole blood and erythrocyte blood components, the shelf life is derived from the sample solution/additive solution ratio. But if the preparation of the product has involved the system being opened, the product itself must be transfused as soon as possible and in any case no later than 24 hours, ensuring that it is stored at +4°C.
ALS is strongly committed to the continuous development of machines that ensure the proper preservation of such valuable products.


In compliance with Legislative Decree no. 219 of 2006 on the advertising of medical devices, all information contained on this site relating to medical devices is exclusively addressed to medical professionals and is not of advertising nature.