The Angelantoni Group celebrates 90 years of business
Giuseppe Angelantoni began business in 1932 and founded his company, which is now acknowledged globally in over 100 countries.
2022 marks a major goal in the Angelantoni Group history as it celebrates 90 years of business with the enthusiasm, passion, dedication and attention to innovation and to its roots, all of which have distinguished this company since 1932. Almost a century of business activity, highlighted by an ever-increasing presence in strategic sectors worldwide, such as aerospace and automobile testing, high-tech solutions in bio-medicine, the deposition of thin, antibacterial and antiviral film coatings, and refrigeration solutions based on the principles of environmental sustainability and energy efficiency.
All are firmly anchored in the values that have always distinguished the company and the people involved in its 90 years of success, of accumulated experience, innovation and farsightedness as regards corporate organisation and product range. "For this special anniversary - President Cavaliere (a title of honour bestowed by the President of the Republic) Gianluigi Angelantoni reveals - we have decided to collect the documents, the evidence, the memories and the highlights that have been and continue to be part of the company's history in a book entitled «GIUSEPPE ANGELANTONI: the origin of the future». This retraces the growth of the Group over the decades, its choices and the major, crucial moments, and alternates anecdotes and intriguing facts about the Founder and his bond with the people and the area. The book - Angelantoni continues - tells the story not only of a man, but also of the present and the future of a family and companies that are a clear testimony to Made in Italy throughout the world."
From 1932, technology, creativity and design to improve product reliability, material durability and process safety have been and continue to be the objectives pursued by the companies in the Group, whether this is reproducing the extreme climate conditions of outer space or conserving human blood and plasma at extremely low temperatures; testing lithium batteries or treating surfaces to make the products used by man safer. Added to this is the vast experience and flexibility, which have enabled the companies within the Group to number leading world enterprises in the automotive, aerospace, electronic, chemical, and pharmaceutical and health sectors among their clients.
Today, Angelantoni Industrie includes 4 production units in Italy and 4 branches for the Sale and Customer Service of ACS products in France, Germany, India and China, with a total of over 400 employees and a turnover of over EUR 80 million.
In the wake of the founder, Giuseppe Angelantoni's extraordinary intuitions that from 1932 were to revolutionise refrigeration technology, Angelantoni companies have tackled and overcome numerous technological challenges over the years, thanks to their innovative solutions. Their continual collaboration with research institutes and universities has enabled them to produce state-of-the-art products and to file a significant number of patents.
Since the year of its foundation, the different generations of the Angelantoni family have had the entrepreneurial skills to seize the new challenges and reap the opportunities to develop the company and the community and enhance the surrounding territory. The current Group President has continued this commitment alongside various trade associations. Mr Gianluigi Angelantoni is currently Chairman of the Mechanics sector of Confindustria Umbria, where his contribution to internationalise, innovate and digitalise the enterprises in Umbria has created increased value added.
Another major role in keeping with the Group's mission and founding values is that of the Vice-President of the Kyoto Club, a non-profit organisation which promotes policies of eco-efficiency and the use of renewable sources.
The project - In this sector, the Angelantoni Group, together with a European investor, is planning to relaunch Archimede Solar Energy (ASE), the sole manufacturer in the world of solar receiver tubes for thermodynamic power plants using molten salts, developed in the past in collaboration with ENEA (National Research Centre for Renewable Energies).
The events and the people - The 90th Anniversary will be celebrated with a corporate Day Party with all our collaborators and their families. "Special thanks - Angelantoni points out - go to all our directors, employees and collaborators who have given their time and skills to develop Angelantoni Industrie so far. A company’s development and success can be measured by the work and commitment of all the people involved. Knowing how to be a group, act as a team and be prepared to put yourself on the line all appear to be clichés. However, these are the skills, which enable a business like ours to aspire to increasingly challenging objectives. This special anniversary is the result of everyone's contribution. A celebration of 90 years of history is an invitation to look to the future with optimism. The current challenges for every sector of our industry are numerous and demanding, as we know. If we look at the path taken with total determination by Angelantoni Industrie and by its management, the future looks bright, as it shows that our companies will continue to explore the best opportunities and strategies to strengthen our competitive position and maintain our leadership status. They have the means and the resources to adapt to the continual demands of the market and the company."
Numerous events have been programmed for this special anniversary. In addition to the Day Party with all our collaborators, there will be a Gala evening on 27 July with the official presentation of the book, whereas in the autumn, there will be several Open Days for company tours for students of all ages and levels of education and a Family Day, open to family members of our employees. This will be an opportunity for employees' children to see where their parents spend most of the day, for colleagues to understand part of the life of those with whom they share work objectives, and for the company to be increasingly close to the private lives of its collaborators. Furthermore, funds will be raised for scholarships to train students from local schools abroad. "Our 90 years -Angelantoni concludes - provide a solid base on which to continually build our future and that of our clients, our collaborators, our partners and our surrounding territory."
Statement by Mr Gianluigi Angelantoni:
In the spring of 1932, our father Giuseppe Angelantoni, born in Massa Martana (PG) in Umbria, began to work in Milan on refrigeration technology and founded "Frigoriferi Angelantoni".
He probably couldn't have imagined that 90 years later, his name would be a synonym of excellence and leadership not only in refrigeration technology and in simulated environmental tests, but also in new sectors, such as the deposition of thin, vacuum-pack film and new applications linked to environmental sustainability, such as Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.
Over the decades, we have met new partners, begun collaborations in Italy and abroad and set up new companies in an attempt to create new wealth for our area and our country.
We want to use this anniversary to celebrate not only our history, but also all those who have made it possible, commencing with our collaborators in companies and plants throughout the world.
So let's celebrate our 90th anniversary of business with pride in our work ethics, our values and our mission.